Schlagwortarchiv für: air quality

How monitoring and managing office air quality protects your co-workers from the Coronavirus
There is a reason for the work from home (WFH) movement during the Coronavirus pandemic: COVID-19 is easily transmissible in closed indoor spaces full of people, such as offices. But this work arrangement is not sustainable, as there are certain…

What is temperature inversion, and how does it exacerbate smog?
While most people are familiar with the fact that smog is caused by severe air pollution, few know that the weather can also be at fault thanks to a phenomenon called “temperature inversion”. Read on to find out more.
What is smog?

5 more things you can do to improve air quality in your city (and live more sustainably)
Air pollution is an environmental issue that affects everyone. Here are five more actions you can take to help clear the air where you live, and live more sustainably in general. You can find the first part here.
Get a home energy audit

Why a fully-electric mobile future will not save air quality (alone)
Globally, transportation amounts to ~25% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This, along with other emitted pollutants, translated to 385,000 deaths in 2015, resulting in $1 trillion USD in health damages. CO2 specifically is responsible…

5 steps to make your city smarter with air quality data
Urban air pollution directly affects populations living in and around urban areas. Worldwide, 1.3 million people die every year from outdoor air pollution in urban areas. The benefits of managing this issue are endless: healthier citizens, a…

What is particulate matter composed of?
Particulate matter (PM) is an air pollutant composed of tiny solid and liquid particles. But what exactly are these particles? Read on to find out.
What is particulate matter?
Particulate matter is classified by the size of its particles.…

Headaches at work? The Sick Building Syndrome could be the reason
The “sick building syndrome” is an illness caused by poor indoor air quality, where occupants experience discomfort due to spending time in particular rooms or buildings. Read on to find out more about this phenomenon.
What are the…

UPDATED: The link between COVID-19 mortality and air pollution
Back in May, Breeze Technologies published an article outlining the preliminary findings linking higher COVID-19 mortality and air pollution. In this article we highlighted the limitations of the then-current research, as correlation does not…

2020 – Our Year in Review
As Breeze Technologies, we were thankfully less impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. Nonetheless, the new year is a moment to reflect and look back on the wins and challenges of the last twelche months. Our CEO Robert Heinecke has put together…

Copernicus and air quality: The Sentinel-5P instrument
Copernicus, previously known as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES), is the European Union’s Earth observation (EO) programme. It is served by a set of dedicated satellites from the Sentinel family developed by the European…

The different ESA Copernicus Sentinel missions and what they measure
Copernicus is the European Union’s Earth observation (EO) programme. Managed by the European Commission (EC), it was previously known as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES). Copernicus is currently served by a fleet of dedicated…

Fünf Gründe warum Breeze Technologies‘ Luftqualitätssensoren die erste Wahl für Ihr Projekt sein sollten
Luftqualitätssensoren ermöglichen es Städten, Unternehmen, NGOs und anderen Organisationen, Informationen über die lokale Luftverschmutzung zu sammeln - und das in einer Dichte und mit einem Budget, mit dem dies bislang nicht möglich war.…