Schlagwortarchiv für: environmental intelligence

Die Hauptursachen für Luftverschmutzung
Zu hohe Konzentrationen von Fremdstoffen in der Atmosphäre werden als Luftverschmutzung bezeichnet. Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über gefährliche Schadstoffe, die menschengemachte Ursachen haben.
Verkehr & Mobilität

Breeze Technologies selected for long-term deployment of wildfire and air quality sensors by US Department of Homeland Security S&T
Washington and Hamburg. After previous laboratory and field tests of Breeze's air quality sensors and its connected wildfire detection capabilities, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has…

3 truths every business owner needs to know about indoor air quality (IAQ)
Indoor air quality (IAQ) not only affects employee health, but also productivity. This, in turn, can affect the success of your business! Here’s all you need to know about the impact of indoor air quality on your employees and how to manage…

Wildfires and air pollution – How air quality sensing can help to quench wildfires
When talking about the sources of air pollution, we tend to think of man-made sources, such as transport and industry. However, the environment can be just as responsible for releasing foreign substances into the atmosphere. In this article,…

How monitoring and managing office air quality protects your co-workers from the Coronavirus
There is a reason for the work from home (WFH) movement during the Coronavirus pandemic: COVID-19 is easily transmissible in closed indoor spaces full of people, such as offices. But this work arrangement is not sustainable, as there are certain…

5 steps to make your city smarter with air quality data
Urban air pollution directly affects populations living in and around urban areas. Worldwide, 1.3 million people die every year from outdoor air pollution in urban areas. The benefits of managing this issue are endless: healthier citizens, a…

UPDATED: The link between COVID-19 mortality and air pollution
Back in May, Breeze Technologies published an article outlining the preliminary findings linking higher COVID-19 mortality and air pollution. In this article we highlighted the limitations of the then-current research, as correlation does not…

Air Quality Academy – Breeze Technologies launches new air quality knowledge base
Hamburg, Germany. Breeze Technologies has launched a new knowledge base on air quality. "Creating awareness for the global environmental health threat that is air pollution is at the core of our mission," says Robert Heinecke, CEO at Breeze…

Breeze Technologies Environmental Intelligence Cloud liefert nun auch Luftqualitäts-Satellitendaten
Hamburg, Deutschland. Ab heute stellt Breeze Technologies seinen Kunden auch Luftqualitäts-Satellitendaten zur Verfügung. Zentraler Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist für Breeze dabei die Environmental Intelligence Cloud, eine cloud-basierte Analyseplattform,…